1. Form of Submission
1.1. Author information, co-author information, and manuscript information
Enter in accordance with data input screen via the “To submit a manuscript.” Follow the guidelines attached separately for the body of the manuscript, tables and figures, and terminology.
2. Application Software
2.1. Electronic files in MS Word or other similar software format should be converted to PDF format for submission.
2.3. Cover letter, manuscript, and other files should be submitted as separate PDF files.
2.4. The cover letter should include a title followed by a running title, category, academic field, language, names of the authors, affiliation, location of the affiliation, corresponding author information (name, affiliation, telephone number, e-mail address) in both Japanese and English.
2.5. If submitting a Japanese manuscript and requesting translation into English for publication, submit the prescribed “English Translation Agreement.” When submitting a Japanese manuscript, select “Japanese” as the language for publication.
2.6. Reply to reviewers for resubmission, and a “Certificate of English Proofreading” should be submitted separately in PDF format.
2.7. After a manuscript is accepted, submit a copyright transfer form.
3. Liaison
Designate one corresponding author for liaison with the Editorial Committee.
4. Composition of Contributions
4.1. Manuscripts should be submitted in one PDF format file including a title sheet, abstract (keywords), body, references, explanations of tables and figures, and tables and figures.
4.2. The manuscript should not contain any information about the authors.
4.3. Information related to authors such as names of ethical committees, acknowledgment, and research fund No. should be noted using codes at the time of submission and revised following acceptance. (e.g., ●● University Ethical Committee, ●●, who cooperated in the research, theme numbers ●●●●.
4.4. The first page of the manuscript should only list the title, running title, type of manuscript, and the field.
4.5. The second page of the manuscript should include the abstract (keywords), and the body, acknowledgements, references, explanations of the tables and figures, tables and figures should begin on the third page.
5. Contents
5.1. Title sheet
5.1.1. Write a brief title which appropriately expresses the contents. Words such as “observation on,” “specific (certain)” and “study” may be deleted by the editor.
5.1.2. Write subtitles following a colon after the title.
5.1.3. Capitalize the first letter of all words in the title sheet except for prepositions, articles, and conjunctions.
5.1.4. The running title should be up to 20 Japanese characters, and up to 70 English letters.
5.2. Abstract and keywords
5.2.1 Briefly describe the contents of the manuscript between 180 and 220 words (research objectives, methods, results, conclusions, etc.) based on the fact. Abstract does not need a title.
5.2.2. Keywords should concisely describe contents and characteristics of the manuscript, and be helpful for searches. Between three and five keywords should be provided.
5.3. Body
5.3.1. Reserve 25mm or more as a margin for vertical and horizontal spacing on each page. Each page should be formatted for 24 lines, and use 12-point font.
5.3.2. The page number and line number for each page should be clearly noted in the body.
5.3.3. The manuscript should not be of an advertising nature. Use generic names rather than trade names.
5.3.4. Use footnotes for detailed explanations of specific products, manufacturing methods, equipment, etc., which are not generally known, and provide the model numbers, manufacturers’ names and addresses.
5.3.5. Use the following classification, in principle, for sections, subsections, headings, and subheadings.
Section: 1. 2. 3.
Subsection: 1.1., 1.2., 1.3.
Heading: 1.1.1., 1.1.2., 1.1.3.
Subheading: (1), (2), (3)
5.3.6. Do not use abbreviations for uncommon technical terms.
5.3.7. Chemical names or chemical formulae may be used for the names of elements, alloys, and compounds.
5.3.8. Fractional expressions, in principle, should be as described below:
Image file of formula [V=XXX]
However, fractions can be written in a single line as shown below:
When providing a formula, individual symbols should be defined when the symbol is used for the first time.
5.3.9. Clearly define all mathematical symbols, subscripts, and super-scripts.
5.3.10. Use the Christian Era for year numbers.
5.4. Citations
5.4.1. When citing literature in the manuscript, select the most relevant literature and quote accurately. Literature cited in the manuscript should, in principle, indicate the names of authors and the year of publication.
5.4.2. When quoting literature in the manuscript, use double quotations for the quoted terms or sentences.
5.4.3. For two authors, use “and” between the two names. For three or more authors, use “et al.”
“…” (Park and Harris, 1998)
“…” (Harris et al., 1998)
5.4.4. When citing more than one work at the same time, use a semi-colon between the quotes.
“…” (Harris, 1994; Kawamoto, 2010)
5.4.5. When citing literature in the manuscript, write the names of authors and year of publication as shown below. When citing more than one work by the same author, use a comma between the years of publication. More than one work by the same author in the same year should be differentiated by adding a, b, c, … after the year of the publication.
According to Harris (1996), …
According to Park and Harris (1996, 1998), ...
According to Harris (1995, 1997a, 1997b), ...
5.5. References
5.5.1. When using English as the language for publication, all references should be written in English.
5.5.2. Bibliographic data of references should be provided starting from the names of authors, followed by publication year, manuscript title, journal name, volume, starting and ending numbers of pages in order. Names of authors should not be numbered, and references should be arranged in alphabetical order.
All names of authors should be listed. Family name should come first, followed by the initial letter of the first name and middle name. Publication year should be in ( ) immediately after the names of authors (author-date method). Font used to describe the journal name should be upright and comply with the shorthand notation designated by the journal or shorthand notation used broadly and idiomatically. The volume number should not be noted.
5.5.3. Delimiters for bibliographic data of references should be correctly listed as shown below.
Andre, T. (1986). Problem solving and education. In Phye, G. D. and Andre, T. (eds.), Cognitive classroom learning: Understanding, thinking, and problem solving (pp. 169-204). New York: Academic Press.
Nunome, H., Asai, T., Ikegami, Y., and Sakurai, S. (2002) Three-dimensional kinetic analysis of side-foot and instep soccer kicks. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 34: 2028-2036.
Ohashi, J. (1981) . Game analysis. In Asami, T.(ed.), Sports scientific research review series 1. Soccer (pp. 173-202) . Tokyo: Shin-taiikusha.
Asami, T. and Togari, H. (1968). Kicking in football. Japan J. Phys. Educ. Hlth. Sport Sci., 12:267-272.
5.5.4. When citing a URL from the internet, list the date accessed.
Japanese Society of Science and Football (2012).
https://www.jssf.net/ja/gakkaisyoukai/kaisoku. (accessed 2016-07-29).
5.5.5. When translating references into English, the original language should be noted at the end of the information (e.g., “in Japanese”).
5.6. Notes
5.6.1. Notes should be used only when explanations using tables and figures are insufficient and supplementary explanations are definitely necessary. The number of notes should be minimal.
5.6.2. When adding notes, number corresponding with the relevant sections in the body as *1 and *2, and list together in order as notes before the list of references.
5.7. Tables, figures, and photographs
5.7.1. All tables and figures should be in English.
5.7.2. Image resolution should be at least 360 dpi for photographs, and 600 dpi for line drawings.
5.7.3. Tables and figures, and their explanations should be inserted in the body.
5.7.4. Explanations of tables and figures should be provided in a list including title, explanation of abbreviations, and test results for each separately from the tables and figures.
5.7.5. Each table and figure should be on a separate page.
5.7.6 Tables and figures should have footers with numbers at the bottom of the page (e.g., Figure. 1). Detailed explanations should be provided for each table and figure.
5.7.7. Use a capital letter only for the first word of a caption.
Supplementary Provisions
These Manuscript Submission Guidelines are effective from September 1, 2004.
These Manuscript Submission Guidelines are effective from December 23, 2010.
These Manuscript Submission Guidelines are effective from July 21, 2017.
These Manuscript Submission Guidelines are effective from December 2, 2021.