1. Nature of the Journal
Football Science is an academic journal related to sports and science centering on football. It is an arena for publishing new findings and applications in relation to sports performance and science.
2. Eligibility for Submission
Manuscripts may be submitted by both members and non-members of the society. However, non-members are required to pay the cost of publication.
3. Author Responsibility
3.1. The author alone is responsible for the content of the manuscript. The content may not have been published and not, to date, be under review by any other journal.
3.2. Authors must respect the human rights of research subjects and consider the social impacts of their manuscripts in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities, Ethical Guidelines for Medical and Health Research Involving Human Subjects, etc. Authors must describe the above-mentioned ethical considerations in the body of the manuscript. In addition, if the Editorial Committee makes any inquiry about ethical matters to authors, the authors must respond.
3.3. Authors must obtain approval from each co-author regarding submission to the journal and the content of the manuscript.
4. Type and Content
4.1. Type
Manuscripts accepted are reviews, manuscripts, short communications, rapid manuscripts, materials, and technical reports. |
1) |
Reviews summarize domestic and overseas studies on specific subjects and include the author’s own views. |
2) |
Manuscripts should present original concepts with valuable conclusions through complete discussion. |
3) |
Short communications
Short communications should present original concepts examining new facts and applications, or descriptions of valuable facts or discussion. |
4) |
Rapid manuscripts
Rapid manuscripts should be a rapid presentation of research that is original but incomplete and include descriptions with valuable facts, data, and discussions. |
5) |
Materials should present valuable data obtained by experiments and surveys. |
6) |
Technical reports
Technical reports describe state-of-the-art sports performance technically and statistically. |
4.2. Length of manuscripts
The following are the maximum numbers of pages for each type of submission.
Reviews and manuscripts: 8 printed pages or less |
Materials and technical reports: 6 printed pages or less |
Short communications and rapid manuscripts: 4 printed pages or less |
The number of pages includes the abstract (180–220 words), keywords (within five words), tables, figures, and photograph images.
One printed A4 page is equivalent to 2,000 Japanese characters (1,000 English words). |
4.3. Content of manuscripts
Manuscripts are classified into categories for review as shown below: American Football; Biomechanics; Coaching; Fitness and Conditioning; Soccer; Futsal; Game Analysis; Nutrition; Pedagogy; Physiology; Psychology; Rugby Football; Adapted Football; Sociology and Philosophy; Sports Management; Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation; Women’s Football, and Others. |
5. Language and Units
In principle, when selecting English as the language for publication, submit your manuscript in English. Japanese manuscripts are also acceptable and will be published in Japanese.
It is also possible to submit manuscripts in Japanese. Authors can request a translation into English for publication when submitting their manuscript. In such case, the manuscript will be translated into English if accepted for publication. The translation will be performed by a translation company designated by the Japanese Society of Science and Football. The cost of translation will be borne by the authors.
Language to be used for the manuscripts is determined at the time of submission, and cannot be changed later.
English translations of manuscripts submitted by authors should be proofread by a native English speaker. It is desirable to attach a “Certificate of English Proofreading” at the time of submission.
SI units are preferred; however, this does not apply to common units used in the relevant category.
6. Submissions
6.1. To submit a manuscript, follow the instructions on the screen “ To submit a manuscript.” See the Manuscript Submission Guidelines for more details.
6.2. Contact
Edit Secretariat, Football Science (Shobi, Inc.)
Aqua Hakusan Bldg. 5F, 1-13-7 Hakusan, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0001, Japan
E-mail: |
7. Acceptance and Review of
7.1 Received date
The date the manuscript arrives will be the date received, and the date that the Editorial Committee approves publication will be the date accepted.
7.2 Review
All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee.
7.3. Change of category
After reviewing a submitted manuscript, the Editorial Committee may decide to accept it in a category other than the one indicated by the author. In such cases, the committee will seek the permission of the author. |
8. Page Fee
No fee is charged for members. A 6,000 yen/page fee is charged for non-members. A 6,000 yen/page fee is charged for each page over the limit for both members and non-members. No fee is charged for manuscripts requested by the committee.
English translation fee is 18 yen/ Japanese character (tax not included) (Members/Non-members)
* The cost of translation (actual cost) will be borne by the authors.
9. Manuscript Copies
Copies of manuscripts can be purchased at a price determined separately. (100 or more copies)
10. Copyright
The copyrights of all manuscripts published in the journal belong to the Japanese Society of Science and Football. If the author is planning to use whole descriptions of the published manuscript for another publication as they are, the author should clearly indicate that the manuscript belongs to the society.
11. Other
Authors can proofread the manuscript to be published one time only, and are allowed to make changes limited to misprints and clerical errors. After the manuscript is accepted, the insertion of new terms and additional corrections or changes in tables and figures, videos, photograph images, author information, and other materials including appendix is not permitted.
Supplementary Provisions
These Instructions for Submission of Manuscripts are effective from September 1, 2004.
These Instructions for Submission of Manuscripts are effective from March 9, 2009.
These Instructions for Submission of Manuscripts are effective from December 23, 2010.
These Instructions for Submission of Manuscripts are effective from July 21, 2017.
These Instructions for Submission of Manuscripts are effective from July 31, 2018.
These Instructions for Submission of Manuscripts are effective from January 28, 2020.
These Instructions for Submission of Manuscripts are effective from December 2, 2021.