Development Paper
ISSN ONLINE : 1880-2400
[School Health Vol.3, 7-14, 2007]
Evaluation of Drug Abuse Prevention Program by Utilizing of CD-ROM Material
Tohru Koiso*,**, Hiroshi Koyama**, Kazuhiro Suzuki* and Seiji Ohsawa***
- *International Budo University
- 841 Shinkan, Katsuura, Chiba 299-5295 Japan
- **Junior High School at Otsuka,University of Tsukuba
- 1-9-1 Otsuka,Bunkyo,Tokyo 112-0012 Japan
- ***Otsuma Women痴 University
- 12 Sanbancho,Chiyoda,Tokyo 102-8357 Japan
[Received August 24, 2005 ; Accepted December 28, 2006]
- Keywords:
- educational effects, CD-ROM, health instruction, junior high school
We evaluated a health instruction program for drug abuse prevention that utilized CD-ROM material. The purpose of this study was to accumulate useful data to contribute to the spread of drug abuse prevention education and multimedia education. Subjects in this study were 408 junior high school 2nd grade students (consisting of 203 males and 205 females. This program was undertaken once in February 2000 and again in November 2000. Two health and physical education teachers working in the subject school cooperatively taught the lesson (Team Teaching). Student operated individual PCs, one per student, and studied all contents of the CD-ROM material. Two lessons were done in each case. We conducted surveys 1 week before, 1 week after, and 1 month after the instructions to evaluate for educational effect. This investigation was composed of 14 items concerning knowledge of drug abuse prevention, 9 items concerning awareness of and attitude toward drug abuse, 4 items concerning the CD-ROM material, and space for free description. We have proved in previous research that the educational effect was excellent regarding knowledge. In this paper, we report on the educational effect regarding awareness and attitude for drug abuse. The results are as follows: . The ratio of groups with ‘permissible’attitudes toward drug abuse decreased. The ratio of those with ‘non-permissible’attitudes increased. . In all of the 9 items concerning awareness of drug abuse, feelings of precaution and resistance increased. . Drug refusal attitudes and skills were clearly promoted. Therefore, It was proven that health instruction utilizing this CD-ROM material brought many excellent results.
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- This research was supported by the grant-in-aid for scientific research (B) from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture. No. 12923006 2000
- This research was a part of the project that the special grant-in-aid for scientific research (B) (1) by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science "Research on the development of the drug abuse prevention education curriculum-Utilizing and evaluation of multimedia -" (chairman: Dr. Takaishi Masahiro) No. 10400001 1998 ~ 2000